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A Gold Medal Green Tea Tang Ya Cha 唐崖茶

This is this year 2018 gold award green tea in Wuling Shan Tea Competetion. It is Tang Ya Green Tea 唐崖茶 of Xianfeng, Hubei. Wuling Shan is one of the three Chinese territories to priduce high quality tea, which include the mountain areas of West Hunan, East Guizhou and West Hubei. The gold award by Wuling Shan Tea Competetion is really not easy!

A Gold Medal Green Tea Tang Ya Cha 唐崖茶

Tang Ya is an ancient town where the tusi (king) of local minority race 土家族 lived. The Tang Ya is a rocky town built in high mountain which supervised the territory of the tusi. The Tang Ya Cha was invented and produced for the Tusi, and also the Tusi would tribute the tea to the central emperors. The tea had been a rare precious tea in history.

A Gold Medal Green Tea Tang Ya Cha 唐崖茶

The Tang Ya Cha adopted the single bud plucked in early Spring. And the bud is the cute slim one. One kilo of tea need collect by hand tens of thousands tea buds to make.

A Gold Medal Green Tea Tang Ya Cha 唐崖茶

It undergoes the traditional processing. After the fresh tea bud is withered to reduce the excessive water, it will be fried in the pan, sha qing 杀青. And then it is rolled by hand. The rollin is gently done. Because it needs to keep the intact shape of the tea bud. While it also needs to sueezed out the tea juice to make the tea tasty and the tea body looks bright. The rolling takes a lot of efforts to make. The last processing is baking dry. It is conducted in the bamboo basket and heated by charcoal. The charcoal heat is the best heat source to exert the flavor and taste of the tea.

A Gold Medal Green Tea Tang Ya Cha 唐崖茶

The flavor and taste of the tea Gold Award Tang Ya Cha.

The flavor of the tea is natural wild flowery. It is that kind of familar flavor smelled in the Spring field with flowers and plants. 

In the fisrt sip of the tea, the mouth and tognue will feel a bit numd and limp. It is a kind of expreince like feeling of  stimulant pleasure caused by brisk astringecy. Later the sweet aftertaste all coming up. And it make you wand to drink more and more of this tea. Even the tea is finshed in the cup, you still want to find a last sip from the cup to drink. Afte drinking the tea, all the mouth is joyful and feels the freshness of tea. The feeling lingers long time. Maybe half a day!

A Gold Medal Green Tea Tang Ya Cha 唐崖茶

It is really a great tea!

Customers in pursuit of premium teas, welcome to inquire with us!

Changsha Wufeng Tea Co.,Ltd





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